Rat Race Offers No Prize

It's so good to be able to sit back this morning, enjoy the stillness and raindrops falling outside the window.  For several weeks now, I've hit the door running every single morning with somewhere to go.  It's get up and get out the door most of the time for me and today, I finally get to rest; not just rest physically, but also rest in the Lord. I say, "Lord, fill my cup. I'm running on empty and I need you."

Our lives are spent "running the rat race of life" trying to get from here to there, achieve more, make more money, climb the ladder of success, pay bills, and just make it from day to day. We have children, grandchildren, jobs, bosses, and many other demands and people that just pull us in so many different directions that at times, we don't know which end is up. There are many days I feel like I'm a hamster spinning the wheel and not going anywhere. Anyone else feel this way? Do you get tired physically, mentally, and spiritually? I sure do. It's not fun and it's not the place I like to be.

Life happens and it can be a wonderful life full of joys or it can be a miserable life going nowhere if you let it.  Of course, life is full of twists and turns, but how you respond during those times determines the outcome of the race. We either allow the Lord to rule or allow Satan to win. First Corinthians 9:24 says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."  What prize? The prize is the eternal life He has promised. But our eternal life started when we received salvation through Christ. We have a prize of knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, of loving Him and being loved by Him daily, sharing in His love and sharing His love with others, and the rewards that come from serving Him all our earthly days.  Jesus is our prize! As hard as it is, we should run to Him everyday. He should be the prize you want to win. Run your race everyday, like there is no tomorrow and keep your eyes on the prize of Jesus Christ. 

You may not be a runner physically, but we should all want to be runners for Christ.  I love to run and I've run many races over the past 7 years, but none of them compare to my ultimate prize of running this life race for Jesus.  He should be our goal, the one who we turn to in times of need--to fill us up emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Is Jesus your prize? Is He the one you turn to when you are stuck running the rat race?  My hope is that He is.  Don't just get up everyday spinning your wheels and going nowhere. Gain traction as you run for Jesus, running the race for Him, and keeping your eyes on the prize that only He can give! Rat race or Jesus race? Which will you choose?

Running for Him,

"Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne." Hebrews 12: 1-2


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