
Showing posts from January, 2019


Life is full of seasons.  Not only the four seasons we experience each year but the many different seasons we find ourselves in during this journey called life.   What season are you in today?  You may be a young girl in school dreaming of a future prince.  You may be a newlywed that is adjusting to married life.  You may be 30 year old mom with 3 little ones around your ankles.   You may be a 40-something year old feeling the pangs of adult children leaving home.  You may find yourself in an empty nest  looking at your husband thinking, "Who is this guy?".  You may be in your 60 and 70's feeling new pain in your body and praying hard for your grandchildren.  You may be in your 80's or 90's wondering if God has anything left for you to do.   What ever season you find yourself in, be assured, God has a plan for you.  In Jeremiah 29:11 the Bible tells us that the Lord has plans for us.   I don't think gro...

Make Jesus Your Default

Happy 2019 Ladies! I hope your year is off and rolling well. I know this time of the year, we are all thinking about new goals and resolutions; mostly about our health and losing a few pounds, but also included in those could be financial goals, job goals, family goals, retirement goals and many others. Lots of people make reading the bible in a year a personal goal as well. We look to the new year as a fresh start, a re-do, a clean slate. While all these are great ideas and goals to pursue, let's not forget about the ultimate goal of making Jesus first in our lives.  I think we can all say we've admitted to making Jesus our first priority daily as we begin a new year. We get up, set out to have our daily quiet times, pray, and spend much needed time alone to hear from God. We do well for a little while, then the routine of life, jobs, and kids set in again and we are thrown off, de-railed, and then, ultimately, we drop the ball and we spend less time with Jesus. W...

Identity Theft

Hi Salt Sisters!  I am so excited to see what the Lord has planned for us all in 2019.  Today I am copying my post from my personal blog to share with you.   I felt we all needed this encouragement.  I pray it will speak to you! Love, Melaina Everyday we hear of someone experiencing identity theft; someone tries to assume a person's true identity.  In addition to the identity, they steal bank account numbers, credit cards and other benefits of being the owner.  This crime is very common today due to the fact most of our business dealings are done online or through electronic mail.  However, there is another identity theft that is very prevalent today and it happens in our minds.  As a Christian, our identity is found in Christ and who He says we are.  Therefore, Satan tries to "steal" our identity by planting lies in our mind that contradict the truth.   Satan will tell us that our value is in what we do, where we work, w...