Prayer and the Difference It Makes

As I sit here praying and thinking about all that I have to do today, I ask myself these two questions...first, "what do you want me to do today God?" and second, "can you show me how to accomplish that?" 

Where do I start? prayer!

I'm sure we all wake up in the mornings with a list of things we have to do: take kids to school, go to work, run errands, after school activities, chores, cook dinner and more, just the everyday grind that sometimes can weigh us down.  How you start your day and completing those things, though, makes a big difference. I always start with prayer, many times even before my feet hit the floor.  Other times, it is with the stillness of the morning in my chair; coffee in one hand, bible in the other asking God to show me His way today.  Sometimes, we get in a hurry and don't ask God at all or spend any time with Him.  Can anyone relate to waking up like this in any way? 

As women, we usually have a myriad of things on our minds and a to-do list a mile long.  Even before we get out of bed in the mornings, our minds are racing ninety to nothing thinking about all that we have to do for that day.  I think we all know that the best way to start our mornings is in prayer with our Lord; but do we do that? I implore you do this.  A day started in prayer and listening to God allows you to focus on Who is in control the rest of the day.  It doesn't mean that I will be without situations and circumstances beyond my control or affect me negatively. But the opportunities for me to trust God are better realized once I have started my day communing with God.  If you are rushed some days or have days marked with rest, diligently start the day in prayer.  Martin Luther once said, "I have so much to do that I must spend the first three hours in prayer." Spend that much needed time listening and focusing on what God has for you that day and how He speaks to your heart.

I encourage you, ladies, to take heart in knowing that prayer is vital to your relationship with the Lord.  It's important for our everyday lives and our daily walk with Him.  It is our life line, our phone line, our text message, our voice message to our almighty God.  He wants you and me to talk to Him, listen to Him, pray, and have that close father-daughter relationship with Him.  He is our heavenly Father and He loves you like no other.  Do you have that kind of relationship with God? Do you have a personal phone line, heart line straight to Him?  If you don't, I encourage you right now to ask God for that. I encourage you to seek Him with your whole heart; not just on good days, but bad days too.  I want you to know Jesus Christ and to truly seek Him.  Where do you start.....with prayer!

So, why pray?

We are called to pray. His Word tells us so (Eph. 6:18, Phil. 4:6, Col. 4:2, Matt. 6:9).  Jesus prayed regularly and we should too.  Prayer is how we communicate with God and it gives us power over evil. God's Word calls us to pray and is always available.  Prayer keeps us humble and strengthens our bond between believers. Prayer also fulfills our emotional needs.  Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life and we should exercise that and build-up that part if it is weak.  I encourage you to pray and listen to Him.  Make it a daily meeting with the Lord first thing in the morning if you can.  Do we need God through prayer? Yes! Do we need to listen to Him and talk with Him? Yes! Does prayer make a difference in our lives? Yes! We were made to connect and function through a prayerful relationship with God.  C.S. Lewis put it like this, "God designed the human machine to run on Himself.  He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other."

Make prayer a vital part of your life. It does make a difference!  It's made a big difference in my life and I want it to make a difference in yours too.

I'm praying for each and every one of you.  If you need prayer or have a specific prayer request, please contact myself or my fellow sister in Christ, Melaina.  Leave a comment or a message and we will cover that specific need for you. 

Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Love in Christ,

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." -Philippians 4:6

"Pray continually." -1 Thessalonians 5:17

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." -Romans 12:12

"Devote yourselves in prayer, being watchful and thankful." -Colossians 4:2


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