Dependent or Independent?

In our world today, being independent is something that is valued.  I mean who doesn't like someone who is self-sufficient and independent? Who doesn't like someone who rolls up their sleeves and gets stuff done? So, what is wrong with being independent? Well, nothing at all unless you are referring to your relationship with God.  God is God and I am not.  He is all-powerful and all-knowing.  He knows things I don't know. He created me, not the other way around. I NEED Him.  I AM dependent on Him.  So, to try and live my life in my own wisdom and in my own power is just crazy.  Sometimes we have this mentality that we need Jesus to save us from Hell but after that we can take over.  We sometimes wait until a crisis or until we can't "figure" things out and then we go to God for wisdom and strength.

Matthew 18:3 says: And He said: Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.  How do we adults become like little children again?  Many people think that this scripture is referring to trusting God and having a faith as a child.  However, my husband Chad often reminds me that children are not always trusting.  When one of our sons had a splinter in their foot, Chad would get a needle to help get the splinter out. The boys wouldn't always have faith that He was doing what was best for them. They would squirm and yell BEFORE the needle would even touch their skin.  However, Chad points out that one thing is always true; little children are ALWAYS dependent on their parents or caretakers.  Think about it, trust and dependence go hand in hand.  If you trust God with your life, you will depend on HIS wisdom, HIS strength, HIS grace, HIS love, HIS Word, HIS direction.  We face battles everyday in our lives, but fighting God for control should not be one of these battles.  We trust God to save us from Hell yet we struggle to trust and depend on Him for all our needs.  I am not just talking about our physical needs, I am talking about our emotional and spiritual needs as well.  So while being independent can be good , there is no place for independence in our relationship with Christ.  It's okay to need Jesus.  Everyone needs Jesus. 

For years I would feel embarrassed that I was such a "needy" person.  I would sometimes battle depression and anxiety.  At first, I would hide the fact that I was wrestling with these things because I thought as a Christian I shouldn't have these struggles.  Admitting our need for Christ is the first step for true healing and freedom.  The truth is, God KNOWS we are needy and He knows we must have His Spirit and power.  We are only kidding ourselves when we try to be independent from Him and His power. Depending upon God and His word is the key to real faith. We don't have to pretend to be tough before our God, He knows us through and through.  Today, I want to encourage you to pray and ask the Lord if  there is any areas in your life where you are trying to be independent from Him and His Spirit, instead of being totally dependent upon Him?

In His Truth,

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.  That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.  2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NLT


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