Yes, Someone really loves you!

You are not reading this by chance or by mistake.  If you are reading this today, God wants you to know how much He loves you.  He loves you enough to send His only Son to die for you.  He loves you enough to take your sin upon Himself and be the perfect sacrifice so you can have a right relationship with your Creator. Jesus loves you very much. You are worth everything to Him!  

You may be facing a problem in your life that has you doubting if anyone loves you at all.  You may have been praying for relief from a certain situation with no breakthrough.  When we find ourselves doubting Gods love for us, it is time to get into God's Word for truth.  We can't trust our fickle feelings but we CAN trust our God and His Word. God's Word tells us that God loved us before we were saved (Romans 5:8) and that nothing can separate us from His Love. (Romans 8:31-39)   God's love is not based on our performance, popularity, or success.  His love is a gift, therefore it can not be earned.

No matter where you are in life today, stop and reflect on how much God loves you with HIS unconditional love.  He wants you to receive His love so you can truly love Him back. I'm personally so glad His love isnt based on me but it is a gift from the Lord!  God's love is a reason to smile, hope, and to press on; no matter how we feel!

In His Love,


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