Present over Perfect!

Have you ever felt like you had to be perfect to "fit in" or just be like someone else? Maybe you had thoughts like--I can't mess up, no one will like me, I can't let them see my flaws, I have to look the part even if I don't feel it or want it---anyone else besides me have thought these crazy notions before? I sure have and let me tell you its exhausting just trying to be that perfect person.

In my younger years, I pursued perfection.  I wanted to do everything perfectly, just right the very first time.  It wasn't too long after that, that I found myself drowning in self-pity and worth because I couldn't keep up with being "perfect" all the time. I wanted to please everyone, do the right thing all the time, make my parents happy, make my family happy, and do all of this with perfection.  But soon, I came to the realization that I couldn't and it was making me unhappy.

To this day, I still have those inklings of perfectionism pop up.  Sure, we all want to do the best at whatever it is we are doing whether it be our jobs, our ministry, our family, or our social life.  It's just human nature to have that inward drive (or at least for me).  But after many years and much life experience later, I've learned being present in the moment is far better than perfection can ever bring.

The truth is that our worth is given by God, not earned by our hustling and trying to be perfect at all that we do.  We are perfect in God's sight--just the way He created us and made us to be.  So why, ladies, do we feel we must be perfect at every moment of everyday?  Being present should be our first goal, not our last.  Present in what you might ask?  Present with our family and friends-the ones we love the most, present in ministry and serving God first, present in our work places and allowing God to move through us to others around us, present in our communities, present in our children's lives, and present in our marriages--not just being there, but truly in the moment soaking up every minute together. What makes our lives meaningful is not what we accomplish by striving for perfection, but how deeply and honestly we connect with the people in our lives, how wholly we give ourselves to the making of a better world, through love, kindness, and courage.

Perfect is plastic, rigid, distant, more image than flesh.  The hunt for perfection will ruin our lives if we let it.  It steals our joy and makes us isolated, exhausted, and unhappy.  I've missed so much over the years trying to be perfect at everything that I've missed some important moments that I can never get back.  I'm finished hustling for perfect and now reaching for present everyday.  Allow God to use you in this moment of being present with your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone else God allows you to be around.  Don't fret over a load of laundry, or a sink full of dishes, or a messy house.  Those things are temporary compared to the moments that need to be lived fully and the love of God shared to others.  Being present is real living, human connection, and meaningful.  Perfection is fake and tiresome. 

Be the real you that God created you to be.
Breathe and be present!

Have a beYOUtiful day!


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