Giving Thanks In It All

Good morning Friend!  Hope you are having a great week and enjoying the beautiful weather.  I love Spring with all the pretty flowers, baby chicks, hummingbirds and warmer temperatures!  It's really not hard to thank God on pretty days like these.  However, when the skies are a dreary gray and temperatures are low, it is not always as easy to be thankful.

Recently, God has reminded me again of what the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18: In EVERYTHING give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you!   Wow, that's a tall order!   Give thanks for everything?!   How can we give thanks for everything?  Wait a minute...I left out an important word; IN.   This scripture says IN everything give thanks.  To me, there is a big difference from giving thanks "for" and giving thanks "in".  For example,  I may not give thanks that I am sick with fever, but I can give thanks IN the sickness knowing God is in control and He loves me.  Giving thanks in our circumstances frees up our hearts to trust God to bring about what only He can do. (Romans 8:28)

Last year my sister in law Vickie suffered a massive stroke.  She was only 58 years old.  Vickie was very full of life...always baking, farming, beekeeping, and much more.  Then suddenly one day, life  for her and my brother changed forever.   She is no longer able to live at home, walk, cook, or care for herself.   In what seems like a very hopeless situation, through God's strength, my brother has chosen to give thanks.   He is not thankful for a bad stroke or that his wife is no longer able to live at home or care for herself.   However, instead of getting bitter and doubting God's goodness, he is choosing to follow the words found in 1 Thessalonians:  In everything, give thanks!  He has chosen to be thankful in this situation; thankful for Vickie's smile,  thankful for great nurses that care for her and a family that loves them both!

What about you?   How are you handling the trials that life has brought your way?   Are you walking now through a deep valley and having a hard time finding something to be thankful for?   If so, stand firm.  Sometimes we all struggle emotionally and the devil will be all too glad to whisper lies to us.   The good news is there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for because GOD is always with us and loves us.   Again, IN any circumstance there is something to be thankful for; our Heavenly Father.  He is enough.  He is faithful.  We can trust HIS heart towards us at all times.  Keeping God's goodness in mind, let's choose today to give thanks in whatever place we find ourselves. 

Have a blessed week!


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