
Good Morning SALT Sister!  Hope you are having a blessed week filled with God's peace and strength.   Today I have alot on my heart.   I have been thinking about the various problems and situations that have come about recently in our community and in our world. No matter how gloomy or discouraging a situation is, God still has an answer and a plan.

However, sometimes by our words we can actually make things worse. The Bible clearly tells us how the words we speak can be used for good or for bad.  As Christians, I feel it is so important that we guard our words and make sure they are being used for God's glory.  I'm not saying we can't ever say anything that seems negative.  The Bible talks about speaking the truth in love and sometimes the truth seems negative.  On the other hand, we can choose redemptive and encouraging words or maybe sometimes we should not speak at all.  God has brought several scriptures to my mind lately.
Ephesians 4:29 says: Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.  Matthew 12:36 says: I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.   The Bible makes it clear that our words matter.

I want to encourage you today to choose your words carefully.  Sometimes when we are stressed and tired we "over talk".  Maybe instead of talking we should take a break and come before God regarding the matter on hand.  Let's together make a priority to speak with wisdom and self-control.  Let our words build up and not tear down.   Let's pray more and speak less. Praise more and complain less.  Together, with God's help, we can be a shining light in a dark, hopeless world.



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