Trials and Tears...Oh, How We Need Them

Sweet ones....have you ever been faced with trials in your life?  I'm sure we all have at one point or another and if you haven't, you will.  Life is a blessing that God gives us so that we can honor and glorify Him.  However, God does allow struggles and trials to come upon us. You've heard the question asked, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"  One answer...we live in a fallen world and God wants us to depend on Him and His strength, not our own, during the most difficult times. It produces strength and endurance in our faith.

This past month or so, I've been overwhelmed with many struggles that the tears of hurt and sorrow flowed from my weary, worn out eyes...heavily!  I asked God, "Why Lord, why?" and then I'm reminded of this verse, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." (James 1:2-3)  The Lord wants us to experience trials during life so that we can stand firm in our faith of Him knowing that He will remain faithful to His Word and to his children at all times. 

I don't think many people say, "Lord, test my faith today, this week, this month.  I want all the difficulties to come my way."  Most people wouldn't dare ask for such a thing.  Instead, we ask for all the good things to come our way and nothing "bad" to happen.  Of course we want all the good, but God shows us that we need to increase our faith in Him.  How? by producing endurance through faith during times of testing such as: when things don't go right, when we lose a loved one, when we don't get that job or we're laid off, when we leave a job, when our children make mistakes, when our family is not so good, when we don't get that promotion, when we have no money to pay bills or make the next payment, etc.  Life is not easy, but its worth it when your a child of His.  If you belong to Him, He will never fail you or forsake you.  His word is true and His promises are real.

Friends, I encourage you today to seek the Lord when you encounter various trials.  Give those struggles over to Him.  Lift up your voice and allow those tears to fall for He knows when you are weak, He is strong.  We can't handle this crazy life alone and He doesn't want us to either. 

I will leave you with one last verse to meditate on and be reminded of, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." (James 1:12)  I don't know about you, but I want the crown of life, His eternal Heavenly home, and His arms around me.  I want to never give up, to rely on Him, and to persevere to the end.  My faith has been tested many times through out my life and ministry and I can say that I have never given up, I persevered, and am still staying the course He has for me.  It's not always easy, but its worth every bit of hurt, heartache, and tears.

Will you persevere? Will you stay the course when you feel like giving up? My hope is that you do.  Don't give up. Allow God to work in and through you during difficult times and see what He will do. 

Trials. Tears. We need them all.



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