Sunshine and a Little Yellow Flower

Simple things in life...have you thought about them lately?

This season of life that I am in right now has me all up in tears one moment and then smiling the next.  I think God has turned my emotional button up a notch...or three.  When I am in a season like this, it's hard at times to focus on the simple things in life around you.  We are faced with all kinds of life obstacles to hurdle and at times we have the giants of self-doubt and fear blocking the way. 

Today, I just needed to get out and think about something else.  I needed fresh air and sunshine.  So, I decided to go to town and walk around the square.  This square is just beautiful.  It abounds in beauty of flowers, greenery, a large fountain, pretty park benches and the most prettiest courthouse.  It was a good day to stroll through, enjoy the light breeze, and soak up some Vitamin D.

As I am walking along, I started to think about the old hymn, "Sunshine in My Soul." The sun was beaming down on my face and I started to sing...

Sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful happy moments roll.
When Jesus shows his smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul.

Instantly, joy filled my soul knowing that Jesus is our sunshine and the only thing that can fill our soul is Him.  I kept walking along this dark red, bricked path and something caught my eye.  Over in the corner of this path was a patch of flowers and greenery.  I walked a little closer and just marveled at how pretty and well kept this area was.  As I approached the area closer, I saw this beautiful, yellow, flower that had every petal in perfect place, wide open like a sun burst, and drawing me closer to it.  It was like I was mesmerized to this little creation made by God...and I was.  I looked at it, thought of the beauty it bestowed, and said, "Thank you, God, for the simple things in life."

All too often, we are in a hurry most of the time.  We live in a fast-paced world of the technology and filling the need of immediate satisfaction.  We take for granted lots of things that many people will not ever get to have or experience and often times, we just don't slow down.  In my opinion, many things of this world have hindered our slowing down to enjoy "the simple things."  You've heard the phrase before..."slow down and smell the roses" and so today I took time to slow down, but not to smell thank God for the simple things of sunshine and an eye-catching, delicate creation called a flower.

Today, I encourage you to stop and do the same thing...enjoy the simple things. We are not promised tomorrow so today make every minute count.  Spend time in His Word and be encouraged, go outside for walk and enjoy the sunshine, smell the roses or your favorite flower, and give thanks to the Lord for He is so good.

Sunshine and flowers...simple things I enjoyed today. What are yours?

Love in Christ,

"Let your life be full of gratitude for life's beautiful simplicities, and your heart will be full always."




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