Thoughts from the Sick Bed

Hi Salt Sisters!   I am sharing a post I wrote on my personal blog tonight.  Thank you for praying for me!
Love you all,
 I have been home sick for the last four days.   I do not like being sick!!  Of course, I don't like the pain and discomfort that illness brings; however, that is not what bothers me the most.

What I really don't like about being sick is that I am missing out on life.  I have laid in the bed for 3 days and feel so useless.  I don't feel up to doing any of my favorite things:  blogging, playing the piano, ministering in various ways, and my keeping my sweet grandson.   I didn't get to go to church or meet some family for lunch.  I just missed out on life this week!  Right???

Wrong! God is in control even when trials come.  People usually accuse me of being someone that overthinks or thinks too deeply.  So, you can imagine that being home all week has provided plenty of time to think and pray.  Even in this sickness, God is teaching and growing me.  I have had many conversations with Him this week!  I want to share with you some thoughts from this forced sabbatical:

1.  Being at home sick is not a waste of time!

Now, I am not saying that I want to get sick again.  However, this week I've gotten the most sleep I've had in about 2 years; I kid you not.   I had forgotten how it feels to be truly rested.  Obviously my tired body needed to catch up.

2.  Being at home sick forced me to refocus on the simple yet important things.

I did ALOT of praying.   I did alot of resting.  I did alot of praying and resting.  Hmm...maybe I should rest and pray in a normal week.

3.  I am reminded about my true identity and value. 

My true identity is found in Christ and His love for me.  It is not in how busy I am nor how many blogs I can write.  It is not in how many people I can pray for or encourage.  It is not in what the scale says.  My identity and value is simply found in Jesus; He loves me unconditionally.

4.  I want to be more mindful of people that are sick and terminally or critically ill.

At times, I felt lonely, left-out, and dispensable this week.   The silence was sometimes painful.  I would look at Facebook and feel like life was passing me by.  Can you imagine how someone might feel being bedridden or home sick week after week?   A bowl of soup, a card, or a call can make a world of difference. Chad's mom brought me her famous Hunter Stew this week and I felt like it was Christmas.   Sometimes we are just too busy to notice others that are struggling.

5.  I can be very busy but that alone doesn't mean that I'm ministering as God would want.

If I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, I am not taking time to breathe and be thankful.   I am not taking the time to write that thank you note or to call that sick person.  I am not taking the time to commune with God and let His words sink into my heart.  I'm too busy to take time with that unexpected visitor knocking on my door.  If I'm too busy to rest in the Lord, I am too busy.   I had a dear friend once tell me, "If you can not fit everything in your schedule, there is a big chance you are doing some things God hasn't led you to do".   God provides all the time we need to do HIS will.

Even though I am very thankful to be feeling better, I am also very thankful for the chance to just be still and remember He is God!

Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the heathen; I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and i will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.
John 10:27


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