Finding Calm in the Chaos

Calm or Chaotic?

The holiday season is here and with Thanksgiving over and Christmas around the corner, this time of year can be full of excitement as well as chaos and stress. We are faced with deadlines to meet, places to travel, people to visit, and food to prepare. It can be a wonderful time reuniting with loved ones, but it can also be a stressful time if we allow it to be that way. You see, I love this time of year. I love all the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp air with winter awaiting around the corner, the aroma of freshly cooked meals prepared by loved ones, the laughs of family and friends, and the precious memories that are made with relatives far and near. This season brings so much of our busy lives together for a few moments where we can stop and soak up each laugh, hug, new memory, and reminisce about days ago. 

But not all holiday seasons are happy. Sometimes, if we allow it, holidays can be very stressful. The joy is stolen when we try to be perfect for our family and friends and do it all; prepare, cook, clean, decorate, buy, etc. You see, perfection is not real. We can strive for it all day long, but we will only fail in the end. We can lose our energy, our happiness, and our joy that we so desperately want to share with others at this time. We become grumpy, grouchy, and ultimately it effects our family and the time together. 

Every year around this time, I’m reminded of the story of Mary and Martha. God brings it to my mind every season because I use to be the way Martha reacts. I wanted to have the perfect, cleaned house, please everyone, be everywhere, and do it all. I wanted to make everyone happy and over the years, quickly learned that you just can’t. I wore myself out and I was tired and miserable. No joy will be had in these seasons if all you do is stress over how perfect everything should be.
That’s what Martha did. Martha invited Jesus to come into her home which was a remarkably nice thing to do. However, her perception changed once He entered. Martha was hurrying around and trying to “fix” everything, that she forgot what was truly important. “But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone?” Luke 10:40 She was distracted and more worried about the perfect home, perfect accommodations, perfect setting, that she forgot about what mattered most…Jesus! Jesus was in her home! I don’t know about you, but if Jesus came into my home, I hope I would drop everything to focus on Him. I think I would, but I think also its human nature to make sure things look nice in our home. I know if God of the universe walked in, I would probably be so overwhelmed with His presence, that I would cry, maybe be silent, fall into His arms and be in awe struck of His majesty.

But, when Martha found Mary sitting at His feet listening, she became upset. ”But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things;” Luke 10:41 Why would she be sitting and not helping Martha in the kitchen and around the house? Mary knew what was most important and Jesus did too. ”but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 Jesus didn’t care about a perfectly, arranged, cleaned house. He was only interested in visiting with them both, but Martha was so distracted. She didn’t realize the importance of just resting and sitting at Jesus’s feet.

Do you find yourself in this situation at times? Boy, I sure do and have many times over. But as I am learning, I’m resting more too. I’m finding calmness in the midst of hectic seasons. I’m letting go of perfectionism, because its unattainable, and embracing the hot mess of a mom and pastor’s wife that I am. I’m learning to let go and let God have full reign of my crazy life; especially at this time of year. I want more memories, family time, and friends and less worry over laundry, a well-organized living room, and dishes in the sink. I mean, really…you live in your house, right? One day, your kids will be grown, the house will be quiet, and loneliness will creep in. Enjoy life, embrace the chaos and unorganized house and remember that time is the best gift you can give or receive. 

So, how do you find calm in the chaos of the holiday season and life in general? I find calm in reading the Word of God, meditating on His words and listening to Him. Spend time in prayer and with people who genuinely lift you up and encourage you. Go outside and get some fresh air. Get a new perspective on things. Don’t fret over laundry, dishes, and a messy house (even though as moms that’s hard to do). Count your blessings, do something fun, and change your mindset. God doesn’t care about what our house looks like, He cares about our heart. 

Mary or Martha? How will you focus this holiday season? My prayer is that we all rest at Jesus’s feet like Mary did and hold fast to Him. Will you do the same?

From chaos to calm...Rest in Him!


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