God Loves Your Story
"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16
you know that God loves your story? He ordained every moment of your
life. God knew what your book of life was going to look like. Each of us
has an amazing story and every page is full. How can you be sure?
Because God, Yahweh, wrote it before you were even born.
see, God knew every struggle and every victory you were going to have.
He knew every unexpected twist and turn. Every hurt, sorrow, and joy,
God knew it was going to happen because He orchestrated your life. He is
already ahead of you, wherever you go, and He has already been. The
Lord will walk before you, guide you, and lead you. He is our Almighty
Father and He wants you to trust Him more.
you trust your story to Him, He promises the best endings. Maybe not
what we had hoped for, but exactly what He intended. The best ending to
any story is Jesus Christ. He is now, forever, and always will be.
Let the Lord guide you along your story. He promises a happy, heavenly, forever after.💗
Living and loving my story,
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