Live Again!

As I am sitting here pondering this past week and the wonderful revival we had at church, I can’t help but feel overwhelmingly grateful for Jesus and His love for us. I’m rejuvenated, excited, and so incredibly thankful that I have a Savior who loves unconditionally. I want to shout from the mountain tops to the ends of the earth that Jesus is ALIVE and that He LOVES you and me!
But what does REVIVAL truly mean? What do you think of when you hear the word “revival?” Do you think of a temporary state of being, a certain way to feel emotionally after a jump start to yourself or others, or do you feel an elated state of happiness? While all these maybe true, the dictionary defines “revive” as returning to consciousness or life: becoming active or flourishing again. Just like a flower after a hard winter buds and blooms again, it shows that it becomes alive again with the newness of the welcoming, warm weather and the fresh Spring season. The flower becomes a beautiful creation of God’s nature that He allows us to enjoy that brings happiness and hope to the soul. As lady Bird Johnson said, “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
Like a flower blooms in the sun, our spirits bloom in the light of Jesus. He is our joy and the hope of our salvation that one day we will enter into a new life with Him in the presence of the Almighty God in our forever, eternal home. For something to be revived it must have had life previously. Ephesians 2 tells us that we were dead in our sins but have been made alive through Christ. Have you been made alive through salvation in Jesus and the forgiveness of your sins? Only you can answer that. If you are not a child of God, I’d love to share with you how to receive salvation through Jesus. Don’t take another moment or day for granted. I’m reminded of these words a dear friend of mine, Melaina, wrote in a song God laid on her heart…
“We are not promised tomorrow, we’re only promised today. Each heartbeat is a gift from you Jesus and that is why I must say, Have Your way, have your way, have your way in my heart. Fill me up, fill me up, fill me up with your love.”
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Let Jesus be the Lord of your life. Let Him give you the life like you’ve never known.
For you who are saved, how is your walk with the Lord? There is an excitement that comes at the moment of salvation. It can be renewed every day but just as easily it can grow stale. Let the Spirit of God fill you that you may walk in joy and live boldly for Him. Cast off the weight of the world once again and live for Christ! Revival doesn’t happen overnight or at a particular gathering with great music and preaching. Revival starts in the heart where change must take place first and then the Holy Spirit will draw you to a new and fresh awakening of true revival in your heart and home.
When revival meetings are over, the lights are turned out, the preacher and musicians go home, the revival is just beginning. Our faith is renewed and we actively love Jesus and others. God has provided you with all the tools, you just need to use them every day. Let true revival flourish again in your life. Live again so that others may see Jesus in you.
Are you living or just surviving? Have you experienced revival in your heart? True revival happens when we consistently walk with God and love Him with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. When we die to self (decrease) so that He may increase, our lives become more focused on Him than on the world and we become His light for others...then, my friends, we have experienced true revival. Let His light continue to shine!
Bloom and live again!
“Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.”


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