
Dear Sister in Christ,

Do you ever feel you are in a hole and can't get out?  Do you ever get tired of feeling bad?  Do you ever wonder if things will ever be better?  On this earth we all go through tough times.  Sometimes we face hardships due to sin that we have embraced.  Other times we face hardships that weren't brought on by sin at all.   Why does God let us suffer?

I want to say right now that I do not have all the answers.  God is infinitely wiser and more powerful than I can ever imagine.   He understands things that I may never understand.  While we don't have all the answers we can trust God's heart towards us. Sometimes in order to get us back on the right track, God allows us to experience pain.  Through this pain we often turn back to the True Source of our life and contentment. 1 John 1:9 says if you confess your sins the Lord is faithful to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness.  Other times you may be in right relationship with God and you still experience trouble and suffering.
1 Peter 4:19 (NLT) says: So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for He will never fail you.  We can trust our souls to God.  He loves us and causes all things to work for our good. (Romans 8:28-39)   No matter what we go through we can trust that our Heavenly Father is faithful.

Are you hurting today?  Are you tempted to think God has left you?  Do you feel like giving up? Take heart, Sister!  Trust in Him and in His Word.   He will never leave nor forsake you!  You are not alone!  One day you will see that this chapter of  your life will play an important part of your story.  Press on and trust the only One truly worthy of our trust; our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Praying with you,


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