
Life is full of change.  The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens; a time to be born and a time to die and so forth.  Change is life. Some change is good, while other change is not so good. How do you handle change?

Recently, there has been a big change in our home church.  Our pastor moved to another town to serve and minister.  Things have naturally changed while the church is in transition.  Some people seem to handle this change with a great attitude and excitement of what God may do next.  However, some people have met this change with great sadness and fear; wondering if they belong at our any more.  I have a word of encouragement for you regardless how you have dealt with this change or any change:  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  (Hebrews 13:8)  

Isn't that great news?!! Our God and Savior does not change.  He is not fickle. His love for us doesn't end.  He is faithful, Holy, all-Knowing and all-powerful . God can use change in our life to draw us to Him.  Regardless whether the change is good or bad, we can sometimes feel insecure. Insecurity  often is caused by having our identity based on something other than Christ.  As a Christian, our identity and value should be based in Christ. Since Christ doesn't change, nor does our identity and value!   You may be starting a new job, moving to a new town, starting a new ministry, getting married, getting divorced, or your youngest may be moving out or maybe moving back in.   The list can go on and on.  Change can be scary and unsettling....but we have a God Who is not afraid of change because He has a plan.  He has a plan for your life.  He loves you with a deep love and sees things coming down the road you can't see.

Although, we are sad that our pastor and his sweet wife have moved, we can also rejoice in the fact that the same God that led him to a new place, is the same God that will supply all our needs as well.  Don't be discouraged.  Know that God keeps His promises.  When you rely on the unchanging Christ to give you identity, value, and direction, you will be able to say in confidence, "No matter what comes, I will be okay because of Christ!"

Keep your eyes on Jesus!


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