
Grace. What love He has for us.

Grace is simply God's free, unmerited favor to undeserving sinners. We are all sinners, born in sin from birth, but through the unselfish act of dying on the cross for you and me, through Jesus' bloodshed on the cross, we to, can receive His unconditional grace, love and the bestowal of His blessings.  What a mighty act of love and a beautiful gift God gives freely to the ones who don't deserve it, but who trust in Him, follow Him fully and love Him with all their heart.

Grace is not a one time act or gift from our Savior.  The Lord gives it continuously throughout our entire lifetime.  God desires and wants us to have His unceasing, immeasurable grace; not necessarily because of anything we have done to earn it, but because He loves us that much. Wow! I'm so amazed at what a wonderful gift Jesus gives us...for free! Aren't you?  Why would anyone not want His grace?  Many people these days are without hope; hope in Jesus Christ.  Without us, they won't know about His free gift of grace, love, and mercy and they surely won't know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.  If you are reading this and know the Lord personally, AMEN! If you are reading this and don't, I want you too! I'm praying for YOU! I want you to receive His gift of grace and I want you to know Him through salvation through Jesus Christ, only He can save you from bondage and sin when you turn to Him.  

The words grace and gift go together, because salvation is the gift of God through His grace. (Eph. 2:8-10) Do you want the free gift of salvation and grace? Do you already have it or on the edge of receiving it? My prayer is that you have that relationship with Him; that you will know His grace, love, and mercy today.  Let's talk about what it means to have His free gift of salvation and grace.

Ladies, I encourage each of you to take a step of faith, reach out to someone who doesn't know the Lord and tell them about His good news.  Tell them about this free gift that only God can give.  Tell them about what God has done in your life and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through you to others around you. 

It's a beautiful day to know the Lord and have a relationship with Him.  Get alone with God today. Pray, seek, and ask God to be your heavenly, almighty, Father today if He is not already.  He loves you so much and He wants you to be His child.

Happy weekend and may the Lord bless you all!

Grace; I'm thankful for it, are you?


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