Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year and Welcome 2018!

What do you think about at the beginning of a new year? What are some things that you have on your "must do" list? Do you  have a list or a vision board? Are you a resolution person or are you a person that continues on without making any new "goals" or "resolutions?" Are you the type that just fluffs off the old and continues on like nothing ever changes? A new year, another day, so what?.......

I'm sure you have said yes to one or more of these questions at some point in your life.  I have as well. Be honest: How many of your new years resolutions did you keep? One, two, three, none? I've made resolutions just like you and at some point gave up to quickly, said it was too hard, or just lacked the motivation to keep going and stay the course. I'm proud to say that I have conquered a few of my goals in the past, but I have not conquered them all.  Every year I make a plan, a list, and get after more of my goals and hope that I can conquer those before fear and failure set in and allow it to defeat me.

Resolutions only happen when you're "resolute." That means having a mind that's made up. Your mindset is the biggest factor in you making change or not--conquering that goal, embarking on a new adventure, stepping out in faith and trusting God more--doing whatever it is that sets your soul on fire.  Maybe you have some goals for you and your family.  Finances and fitness usually make the top of the list every time when it comes to new year's resolutions. Family, finances, and fitness-those are all great, but have you thought about making JESUS the top priority on your list? What about making Him your number one resolution for this year? And not just this year, but everyday of your life?

Many people declare to read the bible in a year. While that is wonderful and a great goal to go after, often times, its unattainable and never accomplished.  Other resolutions include goals like: going to church more, giving more money, reading scripture more, helping someone in need. Yes, all these things are great and needed for you to grow and journey on your walk with God, but the most important thing He wants is YOU and a RELATIONSHIP with you.  Those other things don't matter if you are not a child of His and are not truly walking daily with Him. He wants you to let Him reign in your life. God wants to be your true Abba, Father, and Lord. Will you let Him? Will you truly set aside things of this world to follow Him genuinely? If you do, I encourage you to read His Word, to pray and listen to Him, and to do His will as He has planned for you. 

As we have said, "Farewell 2017" and "Welcome 2018,"  I'm excited as to what God is going to do in your life and in mine.  I truly feel His presence and the Holy Spirit and am excited about what He is going to do.  Let God do a mighty work in your life today!

Take up His cross and follow Him SALT sisters! I am praying for you.



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