Present over Perfect!
Have you ever felt like you had to be perfect to "fit in" or just be like someone else? Maybe you had thoughts like--I can't mess up, no one will like me, I can't let them see my flaws, I have to look the part even if I don't feel it or want it---anyone else besides me have thought these crazy notions before? I sure have and let me tell you its exhausting just trying to be that perfect person. In my younger years, I pursued perfection. I wanted to do everything perfectly, just right the very first time. It wasn't too long after that, that I found myself drowning in self-pity and worth because I couldn't keep up with being "perfect" all the time. I wanted to please everyone, do the right thing all the time, make my parents happy, make my family happy, and do all of this with perfection. But soon, I came to the realization that I couldn't and it was making me unhappy. To this day, I still have those inklings of perfectionism pop up. Sur...