Memories and Investments

Good Morning Salt Sisters!  Another week has passed with lots of memories and investments were made. You see, each day is a gift from God to us. However, what we do with that day is our gift to Him!  When I think of my life as a gift to God it affects the choices I make.   When I think of my choices as investments I think more carefully as to what I spend my time doing.  You might ask what I mean by investments.  I feel that as you relate to the people God has put in your path, you either make deposits or withdrawals from their life.  You either encourage them and point them to Christ or you don't.  I feel when I am pointing people to Christ I am investing in the Kingdom of God.  Along life's journey we meet many different people; some people will always be a part of our lives and some will just pass through.  However, with each person that comes our way is a chance to make a memory and invest in the Kingdom of God.

On Monday, I drove to Corsicana to pick up my Mom who spent the weekend with my sister.  When I drive alone, I have alot of time to pray and think.  A unique thing happened this trip.  As I was driving, my mind went back in time.  Several friends passed through my thoughts that I have known over the years.  Some friends I haven't spoken to in 30 years and some friends I've talked with as recent as last weekend.  However, each friend had left a mark on my life.  Some marks pushed me towards Christ, and others pushed me away from Him.  I also pondered as to what mark I had made on their lives. 

Paul says in Ephesians 5:16-18, "Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.  Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.  Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life.  Instead be filled with the Holy Spirit."   As we are filled with God's Spirit, He can lead us to make deposits in people's lives. If we stay close to the Lord, He will show us how to invest in His Kingdom.  I want to encourage you as you are busy making memories, to ask the Lord to teach you to make the most of every opportunity you are given!  Share a smile!  Pray for a friend!  Speak a kind word and share God's Word.  Go light your world with the light of Jesus!

In His Grip,


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