Hold On to Me!

What a crazy few weeks it has been lately at my house....finishing up summer activities, child going back to school, getting into a routine again, and embarking on new adventures outside my comfort zone has really got me flooding with all kinds of emotions...its a roller coaster ride that I can't seem to get off.  The ups and downs, the turns and twists, the backwards and forth of life right now has me just in a tizzy of emotional states and stress and I need help.  I'm just a hot mess of a mother right now needing something to get me through this season of life that I'm so frantically enduring right now.

Have any of you experienced such a state of being as this....wandering, floundering, unclear, unsure of yourself? Maybe your like me and feel happy one moment and crying the next.  Maybe your laughing hysterically at something funny and then all of a sudden your anxious, uptight, or saddened.  Maybe you thought you were doing what you were suppose to be and then the next minute getting called out, crushed, and under-minded by someone whether that be from family, friends, neighbors, your own children, extended family...whoever.  I know I've had experiences such as these and I'm sure at some season in your life, you have too.

Life is full of interesting twists and turns; just like a roller coaster at our favorite amusement park.  There are exhilarating and tense moments, but life's many turns through out our journey are all ours.  My journey will look differently from yours, but what makes each journey special is that they are beautifully held together by our all all-loving, all-sufficient, all-powerful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He knows our crazy, roller coaster lives and He is there riding with us each and every day if we allow Him to be in the front seat.

I know letting go of certain things in our life is difficult.  I'm there right now, but I do know that if I let go, stop trying to control it all...God will do what He intends and has planned all along in those moments, those times of uncertainty, in those intense issues of life we just can't seem to control.  Why do we think we need to control everything when God specifically tells us to give all our burdens, concerns, and worries over to Him? (For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30)  It's human nature.  I think we are wired that way.  Something inside us wants to control every part of our lives, but God wants us to relinquish control over to Him...

Every. Single. Day.

My prayer is that I will continue to let God have the reigns of my life and take control over all the valleys I will experience and all the roller coasters I will ride until I am in Heaven with Him.  My prayer, also, is that you will do the same.  If we try and control everything on our own, life will continue digging a deep, dark, dingy hole of self-doubt, worry, lack of confidence, emotional stress and much more.  God didn't make us to live a life of worry, but a life of joy, love, and peace knowing that He is our true and only peace this life has to offer. 

If your on the roller coaster of life without God, get off! You wouldn't want to ride without proper safety restraints so why take the chance? Get on the roller coaster of life with God and let Him be in the front seat.  Hold on to Him!

Have a great weekend.

Your roller coaster friend,


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