Hurt Heart

Have you ever been hurt before by someone? I'm sure we can all agree that we have at some point in our lives. I know I sure have, not once, but many times over and over again. It can be overwhelming to say the least and you end up on a roller coaster of emotions that you never wanted to ride to begin with. Many times, I just want to unstrap that safety harness and jump off. I want to run away to the ends of the earth so that I can never be hurt again, but we all know that would be impossible. We can't just run away from our hurts and problems all the time. We must face them and we can do that with Jesus Christ. 
Jesus did not promise us an easy life. Jesus didn't have one. In fact, He died a very cruel death for me and you. He loved us that much. He said, "In this world, you will have trouble" and we can look around us and see all kinds of trouble. From hurts, to conflicts, to sorrow, and devastation, it's in our faces all the time. BUT, I have good news...there is hope! There is something else Jesus promises. It's love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). His fruits of the spirit can turn an empty, hurt and broken heart into a hopeful heart full of His hope, joy, and love.
Friends, we've all been hurt by other peoples actions and words. From family members, to children, to friends and people in our own communities, Satan will use anyone and anything he can to discourage you, lie and hurt you, and create havoc in your life. We have to decide if we will listen to Satan or allow God to mend our hurts and make our hurtful heart into a hopeful one. 
In the book of Romans, Paul writes, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer" (Romans 12:12). Even in our hurts and afflictions, we must cling to God's hope and pray. Pray continually for the ones who hurt you and know that the Lord is near.
Will you allow God to mend you hurtful heart? Will you give Him all your worries, cares, and concerns? My prayer is that you do and together we can allow God to turn our hurts into joy, hope, and love.
Be encouraged today and know you are loved!


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