Is Today Really Good?
As I am praying and thinking about today and this weekend ahead to celebrate our Risen Lord, I am flooded with all kinds of emotions- from sadness to heartbreak to thankfulness and an overwhelming since of gratitude. Today on Good Friday, Jesus died on a cross. He died a horrific death. It's hard to think about and imagine that someone would do that for me. My God died for me and guess what...He died for you too. Let that sink in for a moment....someone else died for! I don't know about you, but I don't know of anyone else that would die for me. Do you? But not only did Jesus die, he bore, accepted, took on, all of our sins. Why would Jesus do such a thing? It's simple really...a four letter word....LOVE. He loves us so much that God sent his only son to die for us so that we may have eternal, everlasting life with Him one day in Heaven. Jesus accepted our sin debt on the cross so that we wouldn't have to--Jesus paid ...