Live Again!
As I am sitting here pondering this past week and the wonderful revival we had at church, I can’t help but feel overwhelmingly grateful for Jesus and His love for us. I’m rejuvenated, excited, and so incredibly thankful that I have a Savior who loves unconditionally. I want to shout from the mountain tops to the ends of the earth that Jesus is ALIVE and that He LOVES you and me! But what does REVIVAL truly mean? What do you think of when you hear the word “revival?” Do you think of a temporary state of being, a certain way to feel emotionally after a jump start to yourself or others, or do you feel an elated state of happiness? While all these maybe true, the dictionary defines “revive” as returning to consciousness or life: becoming active or flourishing again. Just like a flower after a hard winter buds and blooms again, it shows that it becomes alive again with the newness of the welcoming, warm weather and the fresh Spring season. The flower becomes a beautiful creation of...