Sin Burns
It seems as if I am always burning something in the kitchen, including but not limited to: soup, toast, pizza, eggs, quesadillas, my hands, and my arms. A couple of years ago, I burned my arm while I was cooking Zach a pizza for lunch. I had put my hot pad mitt on and opened up the door. As I proceeded to pull the wire rack out, my arm BUMPED the higher wire rack above. I am not kidding when I say bumped! As I felt the heat, I promptly pulled my arm away. However, immediately a small burn "line" formed on my arm. I was surprised because my arm might have touched the hot rack for about one second. However, within 5 minutes a large oblong clear blister formed on my skin. As I marveled how fast I had received a burn, I couldn't help but relate the hot oven to sin in my life. Sin is not pretty. Sin is not harmless. Sin burns! Eve...